Exterior Plant Painting

Commercial Exterior Painting Services

Throughout the Continental U.S.

Exterior Painting

If your looking for a high-quality exterior painting for your building, you have found the right company! We will keep you informed on the process and the products that will meet your needs and your structure’s needs while recommending cost-effective solutions. We will also work with you for scheduling Whether your building is metal, steel, aluminum, concrete, brick, or block, Recoveron Industrial will get the job done right.

Painting a building is only a small part of the painting process.  Before you can paint, you have a crucial list of things to do if you want to job done right.

Exterior Painting Process  – Coating System

Exterior painting of an industrial building is the process of applying paint or other coatings to the exterior surfaces of the building to protect it from the elements and improve its appearance. Recoveron’s process of exterior painting typically includes the following steps:

    1. Surface preparation: This includes cleaning the surface to be painted, removing any loose paint, and making any necessary repairs to the surface.
    2. Priming: A primer coat is applied to the surface to improve the adhesion of the finish coat and to provide a barrier against moisture.
    3. Painting: The finish coat is applied to the surface. The type of paint used will depend on the environment in which the building is located, as well as the intended use of the building.
    4. Cleanup: After painting is complete, the area is cleaned up, and all equipment and materials are properly disposed of by Recoveron Industrial.
Exterior Painting of Commercial building

When painting the exterior of an industrial or commercial building, it is important to use paint that is suitable for the environment in which the building is located. For example, if the building is located in an area with high humidity or exposure to chemical pollutants, it is important to use paint that is resistant to these conditions.

Following proper safety precautions when painting a building is essential to Recoveron Industrial. This may include wearing protective clothing, using adequate ventilation, and ensuring that the area is properly ventilated. It is also vital to comply with OSHA standards and local regulations.
It is also important to plan the painting schedule according to the weather condition since the weather can significantly impact the paint job’s quality.

Industrial Facilities Painting

Exterior Painting Manufacturing Plant
Commercial office building painting service

Commercial Building Painting

Silo, Smokestack, Grain Bin, and Tank Painting Services

Smokestack Painting
Silo Painting
Painting Silos
Smokestack Painting